Jon Erickson
Father: Richard Erickson
Biography Notes...
Date: Sun, 07 Dec 1997
From: "Pat Erickson"
My name is Jon Erickson. My father is Richard Erickson, son of Theodore and Ida Erickson. Ida was formerly Ida Osterkil. Her father was Halvor Osterkil. Linfant died early in his life. So, I am the offspring of his first wife, who's name I believe was Ingrid Oie. Ida Osterkil had eight children, Gladys (Morrison), Fern (Christenson), Dorthy (Clark), Mavis (Wight), Donald, Richard (a daughter who died at birth) and Lynn. Gladys and Fern have died. I have a copy of the Grant County, South Dakota history which talks of Halvor. He did settle in Dell Rapids. As I understand the story, he was a stone mason and lost an eye in an accident at one of the stone quarries there. My understanding is that he then moved to Troy, South Dakota. I have seen his tomestone there, which I understand he crafted himself.
I know little about this side of the family. I am interested to learn more. I do know Aunt Irene. It seems that all of the important points in my life she has made an attempt to be present. At any rate, I would like to learn more.
I am a Circuit Court Judge in Huron, South Dakota. I have some photos. I have visited some of the home sites, and have a copy of some old documents showing that Halvor was one of the first to plat block One in Dell Rapids, SD.
At any rate, nice to find the site.
Jon Erickson
Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1997
From: "Ruth Haugen"
Dan It was so much fun to find your message from Jon Erickson. I knew Ida and Ted when they lived in South Shore . We would go to South Shore to the Free Shows on Wed. night and then would stop and visit at ther home home. I saw most of the relatives when we celebrated I Ostlunds 90th birthday. I knew Don and Kren had passed away but I was not aware of Gladys being gone. Jon should come to our reunion the second week of july He would see many relative. Vivian & Eldor and also Helen and Soren will be celebrating there 50th Anniversary. It will be held at Lake Kampeka.
Date: Mon, 08 Dec 1997
From: "Pat Erickson"
Dear Dan:
Thanks for the reply. I know Phyllis well. In fact, last time I was in Stockholm I spoke with her and met Ray. She lived across the road from my mother's parents in Stockholm, Fred and Peg Downes.
It may be that we met sometime in our past. I know that Ray and my Dad, Dick, seemed to have some cousin-like memories they shared when we all met up in Stockholm.
I too have an interest in family history. Although, my Dad knows little about either the Osterkils or Ericksons. I know that my great grandfather Lars W. Erickson once one of the first settlers in Grant County, and lived in the LaBolt, Stockholm and later South Shore area. And Theodore (T.P.) started out as a drayman for Standard Oil. He became a gasoline salesman, and then auditor with Sinclair Oil. During the depression, he, Ida and their children moved back to South Shore and lived in the old hotel that Lars owned. T.P. worked WPA in the Winter and was a house painter in the Summer.
I know that tracing Norweign genealogy is complicated by the constant change of names. I do have a copy of a history Aunt Irene put together which says Halvor was the youngest of 9 children (5 boys and 4 girs), and grew up in a log house on a farm in Norway. If you do not have it, I can send you a copy. Apparently he did accompany a brother and his family to America in April, 1875. Also, it seems there were other family in the area. In Bailey's History of Minnehaha County, he and Ingrid are noted as original platters of Block 1, Dell Rapids.
Keep in touch.
Jon Erickson