Esten Andersen Evjen
- birth: 6 DEC 1831; Horg, Norway
- death:
5 DEC 1895, Elstad Cemetary, Highland, Mn.
Father: Anders Estensen Evjen
Mother: Ragnhild Jonsdatter Soknes
- sex: M
- baptism: 25 DEC 1831
Biography Notes...
See web site: (see Horg, Norway, Parish Book Fragment)
Worked for a time in the farm Røskaftflåtten. Went to America.
Newspaper clipping DEC 1895
Mr. Esten Anderson Evjen, a respected and prosperous farmer residing two miles southeast of Highland P.O., was killed on Thursday afternoon of last week by a vicious stallion which had to be shot in order to recover the dead body of his owner.
Strange as it may seem the stallion had been turned loose and had gone to the barn of Arent Arntson, a neighbor residing near Anderson's place, and the latter took a bridle and some feed to catch the animal and take him home; but when near enough the vicious brute wheeled and kicked his owner, crushing his chest and killing him instantly.
Mr. Arntson saw Anderson fall and ran to his assistance, but could not get near the body as the apparently crazed animal ran around it in a circle, stopping occasionally to bite the face of the dead man or strike at it with his fore feet.
Arntson went to Anderson's house to get his son and to inform the family of the dreadful death of the husband and father, but the son had gone to Highland P.O., so Arntson went to T. M. Olson's place a mile distant, and the latter took his rifle with him, and seeing that Anderson's body could not be recovered without killing the horse, Olson without hesitation put a bullet into its brain, thereby quieting his demon spirit for all time.
We are informed that never before had the stallion shown a vicious spirit; but at the time of killing his master seemed perfectly crazed.
Mr. Anderson was 64 years of age and had resided on his farm near Highland for twenty years or more. He leaves a wife, son and daughter to mourn his sad and untimely death.
The funeral took place at the residence on Tuesday and the remains were buried in the Elstad Cemetery.
Additional Notes From Beverly Nelson:
Esten Anderson birth is recorded in the parish of Støren, Norway. He was baptised Dec. 25, 1831 in the Horg Church. His parents were: Anders Estensen Evjen and Ragnhild Johnsdatter Soknes.
In 1865 the family lived at Evjensløkken, Horg, Trondheim, Norway. Esten married June 6, 1861 to Kari Arntsdatter Roskoft. They came to the U.S. in 1872. Their children were: Ragnhild born Jan. 22, 1864 Beret (Betsy) born Jan. 13, 1868, and Andrew born June 16, 1877. Kari was born Oct. 10, 1837 in Horg. died 1924. Anders Estensen was born in 1803 baptized Jul. 22, 1804 in Horg died Nov. 26, 1884. married June 10, 1831. Ragnhild Jonsdatter Soknes was born in 1801 baptized May 15, 1802 in Støren she died before her husband.